Radiotunes – Baroque Period


About Radiotunes – Baroque Period

Radiotunes – Baroque Period is a classic music format online radio station channel based in the United States that is dedicated to the intricate melodies and ornate compositions that define the Baroque era, featuring renowned composers such as Johann Sebastian Bach, Antonio Vivaldi, George Frideric Handel, and many more. This station is part of the broader Radiotunes network, which offers a variety of genre-specific channels catering to different musical tastes.

More Information

Radiotunes - Baroque Period specializes in playing music from the Baroque period, which spans from approximately 1600 to 1750. It offers a wide range of Baroque styles, from the dramatic and passionate Italian concertos to the intricate counterpoints of German composers. The Baroque Period channel is more than a music station. It’s a time machine that transports listener's back to an era of innovation and extravagance in music. The programming often includes both well-known masterpieces and lesser-known gems from the period, ensuring a diverse and engaging listening experience.



Language: English


Address: Inc. 501 S. Cherry St Denver, CO 80246

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