100.1 The Hero


About 100.1 The Hero

100.1 The Hero, also known as WBRR (100.1 FM), is a United States-based mainstream rock music format broadcast radio station that features a mix of classic rock music, including hits from the 60s, 70s, 80s, and sometimes the early 90s. The station, owned and operated by sister station WESB, is a classic-leaning mainstream rock format station branded as “100.1 The Hero.”

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100.1 The Hero (WBRR) is dedicated to bringing its listeners the hottest tracks and beats from across the globe, with a focus on the latest hits in the world of rock music. For most of the 1990s and early 2000s, WBRR was an oldies outlet known as "Cool 100." The station likely has various segments dedicated to different subgenres or themes within classic rock, as well as potential air time for local news, weather updates, and community announcements. Its mission is to connect people through the power of rock music and to create a sense of community among its listeners.


Website: wesb.com/hero

Language: English

Email: [email protected]

Wikipedia: WBRR

Contact Number: +1 814-368-9372

Address: 1490 Saint Francis Dr, Bradford, PA, United States, Pennsylvania


100.1 FM

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